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The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses


Komura is a middle school boy who is head-over-heels in love with his next-seat neighbor Mie, a girl with terrible eyesight who just can't get used to carrying her glasses, often leaving them at home, or accidentally breaking them. He opts to help her as much as he possibly can, and through those efforts, she begins getting acquainted with his kindness. Will she reciprocate? --- A delightfully charming romantic comedy about a boy who only has eyes for the girl who always forgets her glasses! With the new school year comes a new homeroom, new classmates, and a new desk for the timid Komura. But any trepidation he might've felt quickly dissipates when he catches sight of Mie, his new seat neighbor. Apt to quietly blurt out the most random things, the quirky Mie wears thick glasses that accentuate her lovely eyes, making Komura’s heart skip a beat! Unfortunately, Mie is pathologically forgetful and can never seem to remember to bring her glasses to class. It's not all bad, though! Her resulting squinty, mean-girl face sends Komura’s heart into overdrive too! While Komura is keen to help out and share his textbooks with Mie, will his heart give out from the almost daily strain of being up close and personal with his crush?!

The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses's Cover art


Fujichika Koume


Fujichika Koume



Alt Titles

  1. 好きな子がめがねを忘れた
  2. Suki na Ko ga Megane o Wasureta
  3. Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta
  4. Моя возлюбленная забыла свои очки
  5. Sevdiğim Kız Gözlüklerini Unuttu
  6. 좋아하는 애가 안경을 깜빡했다
  7. 喜欢的人忘记戴眼镜了
  8. 喜歡的女孩把眼鏡忘記了
  9. Cô Bạn Tôi Thầm Thích Lại Quên Mang Kính Rồi
  10. الفتاة التي أُحب نسيت نظارتها
  11. The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses
  12. Tellement flou d'elle
  13. La chica que me gusta olvidó sus lentes
  14. A garota que eu gosto vive esquecendo os óculos
  15. Моя кохана (дівчинка) забула свої окуляри